There's lot's of ways you can get involved:

  • Share photos & videos
  • Add your own designs
  • Create your own shop
  • Become a TW ambassador

Share your photos & videos

Join Team wrong and post your photos or videos of you getting wrong in wrong. Is that wrong?

You be the judge. Well actually we will have to moderate your photos & videos, but you know the edge as well as we do..

Add your own designs

It's all about us. No it's all about you.

Share your designs with us and our team will take a look and then copy them and take all the credit.

No that's wrong. We exactly won't do that. What we'll do is work with you to get your designs recognised and hopefully help make you some moolah.

Create your own shop

Want to have your own Team Wrong shop? No problem.

If you've got an existing, slightly wrong brand that you want to create merchandise for you've come to the right (wrong) place.

For more information see our how does it work page.

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