New 30 min mix – Grand Hotel

New 30 min mix - Grand Hotel

 4th Apr 2011 |  New Releases |  Lee Rous


We've got a new 30 min mix out for you to enjoy:

Click here to visit the Plump DJs @ XOYO May 14th GRAND HOTEL DJ MIX


We've launched!

We've launched!

Phew. This has been a long time in the making. It all started back in the late 2000's when East London was at it's best. It just didn't stop and most . . . weekends a group of us would get together to party. Needless to say Team Wrong was spawned from Wrong un's with a singular hedonistic focus, though what it really reflected was a moment in time for all of us. It was that time when having fun was more important than anything else and friends were everything. I bought to house some of the photos from the night's out we had so we could laugh at how absurd things had gone and in a lot of cases, remember what had happened. I fully intend to share some of the photos on here, but not right now... I relaunched Team Wrong as a site for Plump Djs merch back in January, but have since upgraded it and connected it into the dsktp platform so for the first time I could offer an e-commerce marketplace that is Team Wrong. To be honest I'm not really sure what it's going to be yet. It's an amalgamation of many things - a brand, a white-label platform for other brands, a fashion design platform, a platform for designers to express themselves and for artists to collaborate in physical design form. Everything we create is artistic in some sense, though whether it contributes to the world or not is a matter of opinion. I guess it's important to me to feel that this contributes in a similar way to our friendship group back in the beginning. It wasn't about the world. It wasn't about geo-politics. It was about having a laugh and forgetting our troubles and chasing the absurd. Being a bit wrong to counteract the constant pressure to be right, do right, live right, act right. A bit of yang to our ying. So that's what I hope we create - a similar balance or balancing force to wrong a few rights, just a little bit. To keep our edge and keep remembering to have those unforgettable moments no matter who or where we are.
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About Team Wrong

We are collective that are passionate about expressing ourselves through product & graphic design. We give people a way to easily create shops & products that match with their style and their vision. We connect designers and artists together and with specialist brands to create unique collaborations. Why? Because we believe in the power of self-expression and that even wrong people have right ideas.

Please get in touch via our contact form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Team Wrong Services

  • - E-commerce shops
  • - Branded Merchandise
  • - Website development
  • - Digital Consultancy
  • - Partnerships & Marketing

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