Upload your graphics

Upload your graphics

Upload files to Team Wrong

When you're ready to upload graphics files to us, please use the form below.

You are limited to uploading 10 files at a time. This is to limit issues with connection during the upload process.

If you have more than 10 files to upload, please use this page multiple times.

One product at a time!

If you are uploading multiple files for a particular product, it would be preferable to only upload files for that product each time so that we can group them together more easily. If you are signed up to Team Wrong you will be able to access your uploads while signed in.

Please use unique file names

Last but not least, please make sure your file names make sense. Please change the file names from the templates or from logo.png to something that is unique to you. It's not essential if you can't change the name though.

Team Wrong Team

Y medi - R asts - Multiple assets

About your upload

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

About you

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About Team Wrong

We are collective that are passionate about expressing ourselves through product & graphic design. We give people a way to easily create shops & products that match with their style and their vision. We connect designers and artists together and with specialist brands to create unique collaborations. Why? Because we believe in the power of self-expression and that even wrong people have right ideas.

Please get in touch via our contact form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Team Wrong Services

  • - E-commerce shops
  • - Branded Merchandise
  • - Website development
  • - Digital Consultancy
  • - Partnerships & Marketing

Copyright © TeamWrong 2020 | Powered by dsktp